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DIY Dandruff Shampoo (How To)

diy dandruff aspirin

 DIY Dandruff Treatment Shampoo Using Aspirins

I know the pic is so gross! But serves the purpose. Taking a break from all the Cannes mania going here, let’s talk hair care today. Someone mailed me a while back for a good dandruff remedy. I was not quite sure of it so I never got back, but this time I am.

If you spend some time “researching” on google about a good at-home dandruff remedy, A-S-P-I-R-I-N will flash all over your laptop screen. Well honestly aspirins sound quite heavy duty to me. So I googled some more and found that aspirin tablets are made of salicylic acid which lowers the pH of your skin and scalp making it harder for fungus to grow there. But an equally opposing theory is

  that aspirins are used to dry out acne so its a drying agent and dandruff is caused by dryness too.

So these two different school of thoughts confused me for months and years minutes. Well I decided I will try myself. Bravo!

So here is how I made my DIY Dandruff Shampoo using aspirin:

The weapons you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. shampoo
  • 2 Bowls
  • 5 aspirin tablets


1. Crush two aspirin tablets in mix the powder with your shampoo well.

2. Take the other 3 tablets and mix them in a bowl of warm water. We will use it as a last rinse.

3. Now shampoo your hair with the custom made shampoo massaging your scalp well. Keep it on for some 5mins. Now you know why dandruff shampoos ask you to wait for 3 mins.

4. Rinse your hair with normal water until all the shampoo is gone. Now take the warm water bowl we kept aside and rinse your hair with it. Keep massaging your hair with the water. Keep it on for 10mins and then rinse thoroughly with normal water. Towel dry your hair.

Done! It worked for me, not in just one wash but in 2-3 washes. It may work differently on different people. But you have got nothing to lose.

Comment below if you have any queries. Also let me know if it worked/didn’t work for you.

I have also written a tutorial in DIY Aspirin Mask, you may like to go through it.

PS – My finance exam was horrible. I kept staring at the paper for a good 20mins. Guess what? I attempted all theory in a practical exam….can you believe that? One line kept flashing in my mind. You are not opting for finance as your specialization. I almost wanted to donate my calculator!